Prospecting Requirements to petition membership.
Own or plan to own a motorcycle within the next 6 months. Open to all styles and types of bikes of 600cc and above, you got to be able to keep up
One time membership fee of $125.00 will go towards your patches and a support ministry t-shirt. Once earned
New members must provide vest for patching in.
Members & Prospects must participate in all group rides or event each month.
Hang Arounds must participate in at least 1 group ride and scheduled event each month
Members should conduct themselves in a manner that promotes the values and beliefs of the ministry, and your behavior should model that of a Jesus loving Biker.
We highly recommend our members be a member of a local church, The sons have service on Sundays for all members in person and online.
Email us at, or
Officer expectations
It is expected that these appointed office holders will lead by example, and perform their duties in a fair, unbiased, and responsive manner. Each officer will fist seek guidence thru prayer, before rendering any type of response. We utilize servant leadership style for all elected officials
Pastor (President)
The Pastor (President) is the Chairman of the council. All matters concerning relations between the Ministry and any outside person, organization, Ministry or club, should always be routed thru the Pastor for appropriate action.
The Pastor or his delegate shall assume the chair at all chapter meetings. He is responsible for controlling the meeting and keeping order. If necessary, the chair may utilize the services of the Armor Bearer to aid in keeping order.
Co-Pastor (Vice)
The Co-Pastor shall act as an intermediary between pastor and the members, prospects, Hang-arounds, and supporters. All questions or comments concerning any club business, not specifically related to the duties of the other officers should be brought directly to his attention. Additionally the co pastor is the second in command to the pastor, and shall assume all responsibilities and duties of the pastor in his absence.
Armor Bearer (Sgt at Arms)
The Armor Bearer is responsible for ensuring that the Code of the ministry is not violated. He is responsible for policing and keeping order at all Ministry events. He has the responsibility to the ministry to report any unseemly behavior of incident to the Council. The AB is responsible for the safety and security of the Ministry, as well as the protection and defense of its members and prospects. The AB is also the Prayer warrior to Intercede on behalf of the Pastor and Co-Pastor
Evangelist (Road Captain)
The Evangelist is responsible for all Ministry runs, engagements, functions, and community events. He shall research, plan, and organize all runs with the assistance of the pastor/co-pastor. The Evangelist will also assist the AB in keeping order at ministry events and meetings. The Evangelist will also lead each group ride with Prayer.
The secretary will open and close each council session, as well as record the minutes of each session on record.
The treasurer will be in charge of all monetary collections, offerings, donations, and all Ministry funds and will report such totals at each counsel session of record. The treasurer will along with the Pastor and Co-Pastor have access to ministry funds for events, rides, community outreach, and inter club outreach
ATTENDANCE: Members are expected to support the ministry and participate in official ministry activities. Patched members are encouraged to contribute financially to the ministry in the form of an offering, but it is not a requirement. Attendance at the monthly member meetings are mandatory as well as certain rides and community outreaches.
1. Alcohol or marijuana (even if legal) will never be consumed during any SOT function or ride. (This includes taking off the cut and leaving it in a saddlebag for a brief visit into a restaurant or bar.)
2. Public intoxication of a member (in or out of the patch) will never be tolerated.
3. The use of illegal drugs or the abuse of prescription drugs by members will not be tolerated.
4. Persistent vulgarity and/or off-color humor by members will not be tolerated.
5. Violence and/or threats of any kind by a member will not be tolerated.
6. Members will not wear or display anything that is dishonoring to Christ. (T-shirts, pins, patches, etc.)
7. Our members will either be single and celibate or legally married to a member of the opposite sex. (SOT defines and recognizes marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman.)
8. No strip clubs are permitted, in or out of patch.
9. Must Attend church (Personal or SOT church, either in person or online).
10. Members are encouraged to take up course study to strengthen their knowledge and faith in Christ.
Members should insure their behavior is at all times in keeping with the privilege of belonging to the Sons of Thunder M.M. Actions deemed by the Council to have a negative impact on the Ministry will be grounds for sanctions.
We are to act according to the word of God, and understand that everything we do inside of and outside of is a direct reflection on the Pastor and the Ministry as a whole. No Individuals whether full patched, prospects, or hang arounds shall indulge in smoking, or drinking at any events we attend in a ministry capacity. No strip clubs are permitted. Must Attend church.
COLORS: Colors should be worn with pride and treated with respect. The Cut is a symbol of who we are and who we represent, but it does not make us who we are.
Members are encouraged to wear Colors whenever on the road to increases awareness of the Ministry. Colors are mandatory for all official rides and functions.
No patches other than the official Colors and Ministry Rocker are allowed on the back of your vest or jacket.
A road name and rank patch are required on the front of your vest or jacket. A Specialized Club patch (earned) will also be worn on the front of the vest also called a side rocker.
A state patch will be worn on the front of the vest to represent the state of your chapter, but it is not claiming a territory.
All other patches added are at the discretion of the club member, however the patches should reflect the standards and image of the club and be approved by the Council. If you have to ask if the patch is acceptable, chances are its not.
The Law: Members are expected to always act and conduct themselves within the confines of the laws. The "Sons" police themselves. We must walk the line when it comes to obeying the law, because we work with 1%ers, we must not allow ourselves to be deceived into any behavior unbecoming of the Sons of Thunder C.M.M.
Members are not to use any illegal narcotic, possess Illegal narcotics, transport or sell any illegal narcotics. Members are not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages while in a SOT cut. We must be mindful to remain of sober mind, drinking and/or drugs will result in counsel sanctions.
Sons are allowed constitutionally to carry fire arms, and we always encourage members to exercise their 2nd amendment rights. However we do require you to be cautious, exercise restraint, and always use good judgement. Also must comply with all firearm laws in our home state and any that we travel into.